Friday, January 14, 2011

hopping around

as most genealogists, i've accumulated quite a few headstone/cemetery photographs.  what to do, what to do with them?

cemeteries have always held a special place for me.  there is so much that can be learned by them regardless if you have a connection to one or not.  it's easy to roam and let your mind wander.  what were these people like?  what did they do to survive?  were they in the military?  the questions are endless.

i grew up in far western kentucky, near the northern access to the land between the lakes.  back in the days of sunday afternoon drives, we would head down the trace and slowly make our way down the gravel roads that spread like spider webs.  being that this area was formed from flooding the area with the creation of both kentucky lake and lake barkley, the backroads were dotted with old homes and old cemeteries.  it was a wonderful way to spend a warm (or chilly) afternoon, visiting these people who had long been forgotten.

what i hope to do here is share my finds with you.  while most cemeteries are in kentucky and tennessee, i may surprise you with stones from other areas.

so, grab something to drink and come travel through time with me. who knows who we'll find.